Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Hot Air Balloons

One of the joys of running the Friendship is a Verb website is that visitors occasionally send me their poems (along with a load of spammers that send me all sorts of unrepeatable offers!!).

It is my intention to publish these poems on this blog rather than the website so that you can all enjoy them and pass on your own comments and encouragement.

Here is a poem I received today from Debra Dando. Enjoy ...

Hot Air Balloon Invasion

The hound will not abate his incessant woof
but summons me urgently outside to look.
A balloon glides by
in the perfect blue summer sky.
Brightly coloured it cheers the air,
sailing over the village - I simply stand and stare.
Its calmness and serenity I admire, as this stately visitor ascends higher
and passes reverently over the old church spire.

Next door’s feline declines to stir,
basking on her terrace with sun-warmed fur.
Even birds in the bushes ignore the fiery whooshes
as the balloon floats regally by.

The herd on the hill do not panic or stampede,
the sheep continue grazing down in the mead
But the hound lies not still -
he protects his territory with great earnest until
The invading sphere clears his space;
he's completely untouched by its grace.
Though vigilant and brave 'tis true,
Dear Friend, I wish that you could sometimes see things as we do.

My Zimbio

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